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The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition Together with the ~ The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition Together with the Letter of Peter to Phillip James and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos Hardcover – June 19 2007 by Rodolphe Kasser Author Gregor Wurst Author
9781426201912 The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition ~ The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition Together with the Letter of Peter to Phillip James and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos 9781426201912 by Kasser Rodolphe Wurst Gregor and a great selection of similar New Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices
Gospel of Judas Wikipedia ~ The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition Together with the Letter of Peter to Phillip James and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos Washington National Geographic Society ISBN 9781426201912 Krosney Herbert 2006 The Lost Gospel The Quest for the Gospel of Judas Iscariot Washington National Geographic Society
Gospel of Judas — ~ Rodolphe Kasser and Gregor Wurst reconstruct this word as disciples in The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition Together with the Letter of Peter to Philip James and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos National Geographic 2007 p 191 but cf Lance Jenott The Gospel of Judas Coptic Text Translation and Historical Interpretation of
The Gospel of Judas together with the Letter of Peter to ~ In addition to the Gospel of Judas the codex presents a version of the Letter of Peter to Philip previously known from the Nag Hammadi library James also known in a fragmentary version from the Nag Hammadi library where it is commonly referred to as the First Revelation of James and portions of a previously unknown Book of Allogenes
The Gospel of Judas together with the Letter of Peter to ~ The Gospel of Judas together with the Letter of Peter to Philip James and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos critical edition Rodolphe Kasser Gregor Wurst Sheds new light on the ancient world and the beginnings of Christianity
The Gospel of Judas Critical Edition ~ The Letter of Peter to Philip provides a mystical Gnostic picture of Jesus the text entitled James presents Jesus discussing the meaning of life and death with his brother James the Gospel of Judas casts a new light on Judas betrayal and the previously unknown book of Allogenes though fragmentary
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Gospel of Judas Britannica ~ Along with the Gospel of Judas the codex contains the pseudepigraphal noncanonical and unauthentic First Apocalypse of James a letter of the apostle Peter and a section of a badly fragmented work provisionally identified as the Book of Allogenes or Book of the Stranger a Gnostic text that was also among the codices found at Najʿ Hammadi in 1945
The Gospel of Judas ~ The gospel of Judas is included in a 62page papyrus 1 manuscript that was uncovered in Egypt during the 1950s or 1960s 2 The translator of the Gospel of Judas is Rodolphe Kasser of the University of Geneva a leading Coptic Scholar and the contents are due to be released in April 2006
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