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Date : 2018-08-01
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The Hymnal A Reading History 9781421425924 ~ Christopher N Phillips’s The Hymnal is the first study to reconstruct the practices of reading and using hymnals which were virtually everywhere in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Isaac Watts invented a small wordsonly hymnal at the dawn of the eighteenth century
The Hymnal A Reading History by Christopher N Phillips ~ Christopher N Phillips’s The Hymnal is the first study to reconstruct the practices of reading and using hymnals which were virtually everywhere in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Isaac Watts invented a small wordsonly hymnal at the dawn of the eighteenth century For the next two hundred years
The Hymnal A Reading History by Christopher N Phillips ~ The Hymnal A Reading History It stands barely three inches high a small brick of a book The pages are skewed a bit and evidence of a small handprint remains on the worn cheap leather covers that dont quite close The book bears the marks of considerable use
The Hymnal Reading Religion ~ Christopher N Phillips’s The Hymnal is the first study to reconstruct the practices of reading and using hymnals which were virtually everywhere in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Isaac Watts invented a small wordsonly hymnal at the dawn of the eighteenth century For the next two hundred years
The Hymnal A Reading History by Christopher N Phillips ~ Christopher N Phillips’s The Hymnal is the first study to reconstruct the practices of reading and using hymnals which were virtually everywhere in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Isaac Watts invented a small wordsonly hymnal at the dawn of the eighteenth century
The Hymnal Johns Hopkins University Press Books ~ The Hymnal It stands barely three inches high a small brick of a book The pages are skewed a bit and evidence of a small handprint remains on the worn cheap leather covers that don’t quite close The book bears the marks of considerable use
The Hymnal A reading history by Christopher N Phillips ~ THE deceptively simple title of Christopher Phillips’s book only hints at the detailed research that informs his study and the particular scope of the work Phillips’s primary interest is the hymn book a collection of texts used largely for reading and the predecessor of hymnals that contained both texts and musical notation mainly for singing
The hymnal a reading history Book 2018 ~ The hymnal a reading history Christopher N Phillips Christopher N Phillips The Hymnbook offers the first extended historical treatment of the hymn as a read text rather than one used solely for singing
Christopher Phillips – The Hymnal Review The Englewood ~ My Soul Grows Straight A Review of The Hymnal A Reading History Christopher N Phillips Hardback Johns Hopkins UP 2018 Buy Now Amazon Kindle Reviewed by Grant Currier Christopher N Phillips concludes his The Hymnal A Reading History in a most unexpected study of Emily Dickinson The cursory glance will undoubtedly produce a moment or two of bafflement perhaps curiosity as to her
What We Lose When Hymnbooks Disappear Christianity Today ~ It is this history that Christopher N Phillips artfully articulates in The Hymnal A Reading History This book is the only largescale history and literary reading of hymnals those “small
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