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Date : 2012-11-06
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In the Footsteps of Jesus A Chronicle of His Life and the ~ The Gospels of the New Testament describe the life of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth in Bethlehem and his travels through Galilee to his trial and death in Jerusalem In the Footsteps of Jesus goes even deeper into the story of Jesus life by following his path through the Holy Land on richly detailed maps and bringing each pivotal place to life through the latest archaeological and historical discoveries
In the Footsteps of Jesus A Chronicle of His Life and the ~ The Gospels of the New Testament describe the life of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth in Bethlehem and his travels through Galilee to his trial and death in Jerusalem In the Footsteps of Jesus goes even d Stunning illustrations photographs and vivid and thorough picture of the life and times of Jesus
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In the footsteps of Jesus a chronicle of his life and ~ In the footsteps of Jesus a chronicle of his life and the origins of Christianity JeanPierre Isbouts Featuring the latest archaeological and historical discoveries this guide illustrates the people and events that shaped the life of Jesus from his birth in Bethlehem to his death in Jerusalem
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