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Israelis Wikipedia ~ Israelis Hebrew ישראלים Yiśraʾelim Arabic الإسرائيليين alʾIsrāʾīliyyin are the citizens or permanent residents of the State of Israel a multiethnic state populated by people of different ethnic backgrounds The largest ethnic groups in Israel are Jews 75 followed by Arabs 20 and other minorities 5
Israel People Britannica ~ Israel Israel People Jews constitute about threefourths of the total population of Israel Almost all the rest are Palestinian Arabs of whom most roughly threefourths are Muslim the remaining Arabs are Christians and Druze who each make up only a small fraction of the total population
Israel people ~ The population of Israel in 2005 was estimated by the United Nations UN at 7105000 which placed it at number 97 in population among the 193 nations of the world In 2005 approximately 10 of the population was over 65 years of age with another 28 of the population under 15 years of age
Culture of Israel history people clothing traditions ~ The modern country of Israel includes two distinct nationalities the Palestinian and the Jewish Each nationality is inextricable from its religious identity The Palestinians are Arabs whose traditions are founded in Muslim culture the Jews define their culture in large part around their religion as well
ISRAEL PEOPLE OF ~ As connected with Israel they were not prominent till the time of the general settlement But in the Egyptian records of about 1300 a people called Aseru then occupied the territory later ascribed to Asher The question of a federation of any of the tribes is obscure
Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People ~ The people of Israel also called the Jewish People trace their origin to Abraham who established the belief that there is only one God the creator of the universe see Torah Abraham his son Yitshak Isaac and grandson Jacob Israel are referred to as the patriarchs of the Israelites
Famous People From Israel ~ The first name that comes to your mind at the mention of Israel might be the beautiful supermodel Bar Rafaeli but Israel is more than just a sea of pretty faces Israelis are known to be intelligent witty and astute people and that is why their nation has the highest standard of living among the countries in the Middle East
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